Collar bone fracture, also known as clavicle fracture, is a common injury in people which generally requires the arm to be put in a cast to prevent constant movement of the injured collar bone. A clavicle fracture is simply a break in the collar bone. The crack may cause disfigurement to the collar bone in some instances.
According to an article by Medscape, it was reported that “the clavicle is the most frequently fractured bone in the body in childhood accounting for 10 -16% of all fractures in this age group.”
It was further revealed that “in adults, clavicle fractures account for 2.6 – 5% of all fractures and 44% of all shoulder girdle injuries.” Collar bone fractures affect both the young and the old alike. Therefore, instant medical care is paramount in all cases of collar bone fracture.

What Are The Causes Of Collar Bone Fractures?
People suffer collar bone fractures for different reasons. Courtroom animation can demonstrate the injury and the various causes of the injury. It would be imperative to point out that the service of a qualified personal injury attorney is needed to pass through this stage in a case seamlessly. Here are some of the common causes of collar bone fractures.
- Falls
Collar bone fractures occur when someone has a fall, whether grievous or not. Children have a higher risk of sustaining a collar bone fracture when the fall is not grievous because their bones are not as strong as that of an adult. Collar bone fractures that occur due to falls happen when the person falls on the shoulder, thereby putting undue weight on the collar bone.
- Assault
Criminal assault is defined as an attack by physical force on a person for which the attacker is liable to criminal prosecution. The collar bone can be fractured if there is a direct impact due to assault. In the case of Zeledon v. United States, the appellant was found guilty of aggravated assault as he had stabbed his wife with a knife repeatedly, which caused her, among other things, arterial bleeding and collar bone fracture.
- Road Accidents
Road accidents are also a common cause of collar bone fractures. This is because road accidents tend to be grievous and highly detrimental to the lives of the victims. More often than not, many accident victims suffer some form of disability, whether temporary or permanent. In the case of City of Jackson v. Perry, the victim suffered a “fractured pelvis, cuts requiring stitches on his face and shoulder, a punctured lung and a fractured collar bone.”
- Sports injury
Sporting activities are a high cause of collarbone injury. Another person can cause harm to another person during sports, such as is constantly seen in the world of football. Tassel (2014), in his article titled Incidence of Clavicle Fractures in Sports: Analysis of the NEISS Database, stated that “sports were a factor in 45% of all clavicle fractures. In sport-related injuries, 16% of fractures occurred by bicycling, followed by football (12%) and soccer (6%).”
- Birth injury
Some babies get injured during delivery and may sustain some fractures. According to the Nationwide Children’s Hospital, “factors that may increase a risk for a clavicle fracture include the newborn being large in size, the newborn’s shoulder getting stuck during delivery, a narrow birth canal, or the use of tools to assist with the delivery.”
Using Courtroom Animation to Portray A Collar Bone Fracture Complications in Court
According to an article by Medicine Net titled How Serious Is a Broken Collarbone?, some complications can arise due to collar bone injury. They include; bleeding in a case where a fractured bone pierces a blood vessel, nerve injury where the fractured bone damages a nerve, a bump on the spot where the fracture occurred, infection, osteoarthritis, and lung injury.
It is essential to take a collarbone fracture with utmost importance because complications can arise from time to time.
Therefore, if the fracture or complication arises because of another person’s action or omission, legal action must be taken to get the requisite compensation in law. In doing this, courtroom animation can portray the fracture and the resultant complications. With this, the case would be easily won, and ample damages will be recovered.