How to Use Legal Animation To Corroborate Evidence in Court

Legal animation is a reliable tool for corroborating evidence and getting clarity in court. However, some protocols must be considered to ensure admissibility.
Legal Animation
Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash

According to Cornell Law School, corroborating evidence is defined as “evidence that strengthens or confirms already existing evidence.” Simply put, it is used to reinforce a witness’ testimony. Thus, when a piece of evidence is said to corroborate evidence in court, it means that the particular evidence, whether testimonial, demonstrative, or real, confirms the existence of the aforementioned fact. 

In many cases, where the available evidence is not enough to declare an accused person guilty, the prosecution would have to find more credible evidence to substantiate the formerly presented pieces of evidence. 

Thus, if a person is said to have been standing at the front of someone else’s house at a stated time, a CCTV camera that caught the person standing there at the aforementioned time can be used to corroborate the statement. 

In What Circumstances Is It Acceptable To Use Legal Animation As Corroborating Evidence?

Legal animation is a piece of evidence that can be used to portray a fact clearly to the jury. 

It must be noted that it is not relevant for use in every case before the court. Its use is only acceptable if it would help the jury further understand the facts of the case. 

In the Federal Rules of Evidence, when courtroom animation is to be adduced before the court, it must be ensured that the evidence is relevant to the case at hand; it is not prejudicial to the case and accurately depicts the happenings at the scene of the incident. 

In some circumstances, courtroom animation may be too excessive as corroborative evidence, especially if you can get your hands on other forms of evidence such as previous court records, criminal records regarding the offense, CCTV evidence, eyewitness testimony, DNA test results, and other documents that can establish the truth in previously adduced evidence. 

If, after all these have been acquired, there is still a need for clarity, then legal animation can be used to corroborate the available evidence.

How To Use Legal Animation To Corroborate Evidence In A Case.

Generally, legal animation is used to pave a clear path to understanding for the jury. Acceptably, eyewitnesses and expert witnesses can use courtroom animation to testify in court. 

Therefore, if the eyewitness or the expert witness is in court to corroborate a piece of evidence, then they can testify by employing legal animation. These will be further amplified below.

  1. Corroborative evidence by an eyewitness 

Quigley-McBride (2017) expounded on the importance of eyewitnesses in a court case. She stated that “eyewitness testimony is critically important to the justice system. Indeed, it is necessary in all criminal trials to reconstruct facts from past events, and eyewitnesses are commonly very important to this effort.” 

When corroborative evidence is needed, it is not unusual to have eyewitnesses who can relate how events transpired from the spot where they were at the time the incident occurred. If the case at hand is heavily confusing and there is an eyewitness available to give genuine corroborative evidence, the eyewitness can take advantage of courtroom animation.

Picture this; 

There was a collision at an intersection, and eyewitness A insists that only one car was speeding. Eyewitness B contradicts this testimony by saying both vehicles were speeding. 

Subsequently, eyewitnesses C and D, who were standing at different angles, also attested to the fact that both vehicles were, in fact, speeding. 

Courtroom animation can be used to combine the testimony of all three witnesses while displaying the happenings according to each witness’s point of view. 

  1. Corroborative evidence by an expert witness 

The testimony of an expert lends credence to a claim since it helps diffuse the technical aspects of the case. 

Depending on the facts of each case, the kind of expert required may differ. For instance, a doctor would be a reliable expert in a medical case, while an engineer would be an appropriate expert witness in a construction case. 

Therefore, to lend credence to a particular testimony, an expert witness can testify and use courtroom animation if the evidence being adduced is too complex to understand.


Using courtroom animation as corroborative evidence can be a game-changer. 

However, if you need further assistance concerning the use of courtroom animation as corroborative evidence, in that case, you can consult with your attorney and a reliable animation company to be assured of success.

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