Whenever people hear about accidents, it is not unusual to feel cold on the spot. The reason is that they can be disastrous and can claim the lives of loved ones. To avoid incidents like this, the government has provided different safety procedures like traffic lights, safety signs, bumps, and traffic wardens to ensure that all road users traverse the road safely and guide their conduct while driving on the road. However, these safety measures do not entirely rule out a road user from experiencing a rear-end collision while commuting.
What is a Rear-End Collision Accident?
Rear-end collision accidents happen “when the front bumper of Vehicle A collides into the rear end of vehicle B.” Of all car accidents, rear-end car accidents are the most common.
According to an article by Dave Abels, it was revealed that “roughly 1.7 million rear-end collisions take place in the United States every year. Of these nearly 2 million accidents, about 1700 people die, and another 500,000 are injured in the crashes.”
After a rear-end collision incident, the first step that must be taken is to call for an ambulance, especially when there are injured people.
Once it is confirmed that reliable medical services are on their way or available already, the police should be alerted and informed of the incident.
This is essential and non-negotiable. It is to ensure that if the accidents had taken a much more critical turn, the police officer would take notice of it and also arrest the at-fault party.

What Are The Causes Of Rear-End Collision Accidents?
When rear-end collisions occur, it is usually easy to point fingers at the tailgating vehicle rather than at the one at the front.
However, it must be noted that the answer to who is at fault is not usually in black and white.
Determining an at-fault party when there were eyewitnesses or CCTV cameras makes the work easier. But, when a rear-end collision accident occurs at nighttime or in a secluded area, the services of experts in the field of rear-end accident reconstruction and forensic experts are needed.
When the reconstruction is done, a 3D animation of the rear-end collision can be used to portray the facts to the court.
Here are some of the possible causes of rear-end collision accidents:
- Sudden reverse
Rear-end collisions can happen if the vehicle at the front reverses suddenly while in motion.
It must be noted that the fault may not also have been that of the driver at the front. It could be that another vehicle in front made a reckless move which inevitably affected their reaction.
- Drunk driving
Drunk driving is a common cause of rear-end collisions.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that “every day, 28 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes – that’s one person every 52 minutes. In 2019, these deaths reached the lowest percentage since 1982, when NHTSA started reporting alcohol data – still 10, 142 people lost their lives. These deaths were all preventable.”
When a person is driving while drunk, it is possible for such a person to perform an unpredictable maneuver which would, in turn, cause the driver at the rear to collide with the vehicle.
- Sudden stop
While driving, a driver can stop suddenly in the middle of traffic due to several reasons like distractions or a sudden intersection of another vehicle.
- Over speeding
Over speeding is a common cause of traffic accidents and can lead to fatalities. If the vehicle at the rear is traveling faster than is required by law to travel, it can collide with other vehicles keeping to traffic rules in front.
- Mechanical failure
Another cause of rear-end collisions is the use of non-road-worthy vehicles on the road. The vehicle can suddenly break down or malfunction, thus leading to rear-end accidents.
Whatever may cause a rear-end collision, it is essential to get the help of the police, accident reconstruction experts, forensic professionals, and an experienced attorney to reconstruct the accidents.
With the help of an experienced legal animation company, you can use a 3D animation of the rear-end collision to convince the jury of who the at-fault party is.