How To Make Your Acetabular Fracture Case Worth Big Bucks

An acetabular fracture is a type of hip fracture that requires surgery. Litigation animation can be a vital tool in getting settlement for acetabular fracture.
Acetabular Fracture

The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons defines an acetabular fracture as “a break in the socket portion of the “ball-and-socket” hip joint.” 

Here, the acetabulum, which is the socket part of the hip joint, gets fractured.

The acetabular bone can get fractured on either side of the hip causing a left acetabular fracture or a right acetabular fracture as the case may be. 

Is Acetabular Fracture Serious?

This type of injury is disturbing as the hip joint plays a significant role in stability and mobility. Some acetabular fractures depending on severity, can lead to a permanent disability. 

The treatments of acetabular fractures are very challenging, and not everyone treated attains complete healing of the hip joint. 

According to a 2009 study by Sreevathsa Boraiah et al., a group of 18 patients was duly observed for more than two years. Only 1 of the 18 patients attained complete healing. 

It was stated that “treatment of acetabular fractures remains challenging, particularly in the presence of severe osteopenia, comminution, or associated femoral head fracture.”

What is Acetabular ORIF?

Acetabular ORIF is a surgery carried out in the wake of acetabular fractures. It is considered as the most challenging acetabular fracture surgery. 

ORIF is the short form for Open Reduction Internal Fixation. 

According to an article by Health Line titled Repairing Major Bone Breaks with Open Reduction Internal Fixation Surgery, it was described as “a surgery to fix severely broken bones. “Open reduction” means a surgeon makes an incision to realign the bone. “Internal fixation” means the bones are held together with hardware like metal pins, plates, rods, or screws. After the bone heals, this hardware isn’t removed.”

It was further explained that “it’s only used for serious fractures that can’t be treated with a cast or splint. These injuries are usually fractures that are displaced, unstable, or those that involve the joint.”

Acetabular ORIF can be followed by complications such as avascular necrosis, posttraumatic arthritis, heterotopic ossification, sciatic nerve injury, blood clots, and infections.

These complications would be followed by medical observations and treatments, which may include more surgeries. This leads to more pain and destabilization of the patient and heavy medical costs. 

If the fracture was caused by the action or omission of another person, then the person can be made to take responsibility for the pain and the daunting treatments through the institution of the court. 

Litigation animation can narrate the cause of the fracture and show the procedure and the antecedent complications.

What Are The Causes Of Acetabular Fractures?

Acetabular fractures are usually caused by high-energy trauma to the body. This means acetabular fractures can be a result of different high energy incidents. A few would be considered.

  1. Car accidents

Car accidents are often trailed by very severe injuries, including brain injuries, muscle crushing, and acetabular fractures. 

They can be caused by the actions and omissions of people, namely drunk driving, driving vehicles that are not roadworthy, distracted driving, and disregard for traffic regulations. 

When accidents like this happen, litigation animation can be used to portray the actions and inactions of the accused, which has led to the injuries that the plaintiff has suffered.

  1. Construction accidents

A construction site is a very hazardous zone if care is not taken. Construction workers are often subjected to hellish injuries usually caused by their omission or another person’s negligence.

When such an incident occurs, computer-generated animation is a go-to solution to portray how the accident happened, the effect of the impact on the plaintiff’s body, the rigorous surgeries performed, and the possible long-lasting effects of the fracture despite successful surgery.

  1. Assault and Battery

This has to do with an intentional impact either directly or indirectly on a person to cause harm or grievous bodily harm to the subject. 

In this situation, the assaulter may have used a heavy instrument to continually attack the victim, which can, in turn, lead to acetabular fracture. 

It does not matter that the subject of the assault is aged and would easily incur this type of fracture due to osteopenia. The assaulter has to take his victim as he finds them

In conclusion, acetabular fractures are severe and can disrupt a person’s general health, work-life and interpersonal relationships. Computer-generated animation is your best bet to receive adequate compensation from a jury.

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