Illustrating Medication Side Effects Using Trial Graphics

Medical animation helps in a lot of medical cases that gets to court. In a case involving serious side effects of medication, the impact can be phenomenal.
Photo by danilo.alvesd on Unsplash

The use of a medication can be accompanied by numerous likely side effects, most of which are very mild and do not intrinsically change how the body system fares. 

However, some side effects cannot be overlooked, considering that the effect creates a new problem for the user. 

In situations like that, most people choose not to sit put and accept their fate. It is preferable to sue the person responsible for the effects and get compensated for the pain and suffering, emotional distress, medical bills, and loss of income.

Having the list of exhibits lined up is also imperative since the goal is to win the case and attain justice and damages.

Medical animation is a good example of evidence that can be utilized in this kind of case.

Medical animation helps to explain with the use of medical knowledge the ways the side effect complained about results from using the medication in question.

It also helps to shorten the long process of arguing for and against since the explanation will be clear, and the effect will not be lost on the jury.

What Medication Side Effects Can You Sue For?

Users sometimes face different catastrophic side effects when they use some drugs. 

Even though it is impossible to give a complete overview of the list of medications – prescription or over-the-counter – that can cause serious side effects; we can still give a comprehensive insight into the common side effects that people file lawsuits for. 

  • Physical Debilitation 

Certain drugs cause severe and debilitating effects on certain people, which may limit their freedom of mobility and lead to them filing a lawsuit. 

These effects include stunted growth, abdominal pain, joint pain, arthritis, sporadic muscle movements, ulcers, liver inflammation, and congenital disabilities

Any drug that creates such extreme effects in people is dangerous, and filing a lawsuit can help the user get justice and also rid the market of such drugs to protect other unsuspecting users. 

The use of medical animation can make this easier as the effects of the drugs on body organs can be depicted, showcasing the danger such drugs can cause in society.

  • Heart and cardiovascular defects

Any medication capable of causing heart or cardiovascular problems is inherently dangerous and must be reported as soon as it’s noticed.

When medications show the risk of increased heart attack, unremitting heart damage, blood clots, congestive heart failure, and cardiovascular complications, it is essential to approach the court to redress the situation.

Medical animation can help greatly show the link between drugs and heart or cardiovascular complications.

  • Liver damage 

The liver is an essential organ in the body, damage of which can cause countless harm to a person. Therefore, when drugs are not prescribed in the right dosage, there is a risk of liver damage or failure. 

When drugs are prescribed appropriately, the risk of liver damage is reduced. This is especially outlined in the Rivera v. Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories case, where the wrong use of a certain medication caused liver damage to the users. 

Medications that lead to liver damage should be recalled.

If any medication causes harm to you or your loved one’s liver, it is essential to approach the court for justice and adequate compensation.

  • Suicidal thoughts

There are certain drugs that causes suicidal thoughts in patients. The irony of this particular side effect is that drugs that cause suicidal thoughts are usually prescribed to prevent depression and suicidal thoughts. 

Studies have shown that many so-called antidepressants cause opposite effects in the users, thus amplifying what needs to be prevented. 

Some painkillers and drugs prescribed to treat bipolar can also cause suicidal thoughts.

With medical animation, it would be easy to link the development of depression and suicidal tendencies to the use of the drugs in question.

  • Stroke

As a side effect of drug usage, strokes can arise if the medication has the risk of blood clots and artery damage.

The fear of being ousted sometimes prevents manufacturers from providing necessary warnings, causing severe harm to anyone who uses the drugs.

With the help of medical animation, it is possible to sue such a manufacturer, get compensated, and get the drugs off the market.  

  • Death

As disheartening as this is, it is possible for the  use certain drugs to lead to death.

Hiring a dangerous product lawyer and suing for wrongful death is essential when this happens.

No amount of compensation can cover the death of a loved one; but getting justice and ensuring that dangerous drug is off the market can help the deceased family manage their grief and maximize the deceased’s impact. 

With medical animation, this process can be easy to bear.

In conclusion, medical animation is very effective in cases that involve dangerous medications and side effects. It is, therefore, crucial to get the assistance of an exceptional legal animation company to ensure that the animation is admissible in a court of law.

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