Four Notable Set of Cases Where Legal Animation Can Be Used

Members of the jury may not be vast in technical subjects and would require help to understand them. Legal animation is a go-to solution in such cases.
Legal Animation
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

When facing legal battles, there is a need to be armed to the teeth. It is no surprise that attorneys spend a lot of years in law school and then go on to practice to gain out-of-school experience. For every case that may come your way, whether you are the one initiating the lawsuit or the defending party, you need an attorney that is not only qualified but who is experienced and can give you sound legal advice. This way, you will know the case that requires demonstrative evidence like legal animation.

Undoubtedly, legal animation is highly productive and result-oriented when used in court. However, legal animation is not appropriate in all cases. 

A lot of factors should be considered, like the relevance and the usefulness of the animation in the case at hand. 

Many cases by their nature – which scream technicalities and facts that leave the jury’s faces scrunched up in confusion and distress – require the use of solid demonstrative evidence like legal animation. 

There are a lot of cases where legal animation is best suited that you may not know about before now. Get ready for some enlightenment!

  1. Products liability cases

First off, what is a product liability case all about? 

According to Stimmel Law, “products liability refers to the liability of any or all parties along the chain of manufacture of any product for damage caused by that product. This includes the manufacturer of parts, an assembling manufacturer, the wholesaler, and the retail store owner.” 

Bear in mind that not all product liability cases require the use of legal animation. Legal animation helps technical product liability cases be more understandable than if they were explained by mere word of mouth.

It must be noted that the legal animation can be brought from different angles for a product liability case. 

It can be used in the form of medical animation where the harmful effect of such a product on the body of the victim is depicted. 

On the other hand, it can be used to animate the product itself to show the defect that caused the harm.

  1. Architectural or structural defect 

Even though architects make so much effort in construction activities, some structural defects still happen due to some oversights. When an accident occurs due to this type of defect, then legal animation would be appropriate in depicting technicalities. 

An architectural or construction case can be worth millions of dollars and requires all the efforts that can be made to attain success. To succeed in a case, the first step is making your case as plain and clear as possible, and this is the exact function that legal animation can fulfill in a construction case. 

The causes of architectural defects can be portrayed using legal animation. Construction or architectural defect cases include faulty bridges, roads, buildings, dams, reservoirs, and other structures.

  1. Collisions 

One of the significant cases where legal animation can be used is collision cases. It can be a cyclist and pedestrian collision, a vehicle and another vehicle, a vehicle and a tree, and other possible accident variations. It would interest you to know that legal animation is particularly profound in cases that have to do with motion and flow of events, and collision has to do with the flow of events.

When making collision animation, the services of accident construction experts are needed to pay a visit to the scene of the accident, study the vehicles that collided and get the testimony of eyewitnesses to get an accurate reconstruction of the accident. 

Medical animation can also be used to depict injuries in collision accident cases.

  1. Medical malpractice cases 

According to the American Board of Professional Liability Attorneys, medical malpractice occurs “when a hospital, doctor or other health care professional, through a negligent act or omission, causes an injury to a patient. The negligence might result from errors in diagnosis, treatment, and aftercare or health management.”

Medical cases are inherently complex and require a form of demonstrative evidence to portray the facts in a simplified manner. While charts and graphs may be able to take some complexities away, legal animation can do an absolute job. When legal animation is used in a medical malpractice case, it is referred to as legal medical animation


When planning to use legal animation in a court case, it is imperative to get the services of an experienced attorney and the services of a good animation company to get quality animations that would be relevant to the case at hand.

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